Connect CampaignMonitor

1) Get your API KEY from CampaignMonitor

- Log in to your CampaignMonitor account
- Click on the profile on the top right of the screen, then on Account Settings
- Locate and click on the API keys section
- If you don't have an API Key, Click on Generate a new API key

2) Open the Integrations Menu on CrazyRocket

- Log in to the Dashboard
- Expand the CampaignMonitor section and click SETUP

- Paste the Api Key and Client ID from your CampaignMonitor Admin
- Click on "REFRESH LIST"
- Select a List from the dropdown menu
- Click "SAVE" when done

4) Assign the integration to the campaign(s)

Almost done!

Edit your Giveaway, switch to the SIGN-UP FORM TAB, scroll to the Integration section, and set the "Export collected e-mails" dropdown to Zapier Webhook:


Great! CampaignMonitor is now ready to receive the e-mails collected from CrazyRocket.

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